The steps for configuring and moving WebPro non-reseller account websites in cPanel using FrontPage are as follows:
1) Log into your cPanel control panel using the information in your setup email.
2) If you are configuring your main website go to step 7. If you are configuring a domain other than your initial domain go to step 3.
3) Click on the Addon Domains icon.
4) Enter the "New Domain Name", "Username/directory/subdomain Name" and "Password" information for this Addon domain.
5) Click on the "Add Domain" button.
6) Click on Home.
7) Click on the FrontPage Extensions icon.
8) Click on the Install Extensions button for the proper hostname.
9) Click on Home. ("Home" is in the top right-hand corner, next to "logout".)
10) Click on the Mail icon to set up mail-related items. For more information see the cPanel manual at:
11) Configure the other options as you wish for this website.
12) Open FrontPage on your computer.
13) Load your website from its current location.
14) Save your website to an intermediate location (such as your hard drive, or a subdomain of another site).
15) Close the FrontPage application (very important).
16) Find the hosts file on your computer and associate your site name with the IP address of your site (found in your setup email) on the cPanel hosting account.
For more information about your hosts file, see the following Knowledgebase article:
17) Open FrontPage on your computer.
18) Load your website from the intermediate location in step 14.
19) Publish your website to:
Substitute your actual domain name for "".
You will need to provide a username and password. These are the same as the username and password for FTP (found in your setup email).
20) Close FrontPage.
21) You should be able to view your site at its new location in a web browser. The change to the hosts file will cause your computer to be able to see the website at its new location before DNS propagates.
22) Once you are verified that the website has been moved correctly to its new location, update the name servers for the domain at its domain registrar to:
23) At this point, it is important to remove the lines from your hosts file that you added in step 16. You will then view the site using normal DNS resolution.
After updating your name servers it will take up to seven days for the DNS information to propagate to all caching DNS servers on the Internet, although in most locations it will resolve within a day or two.