How do I add a user for my website in the BlueOnyx control panel?

To add a user for a website in the BlueOnyx control panel, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Site Management tab.
  2. Click on the pencil icon to the left of the website for which you wish to create a user.
  3. Go to User Management > User list.
  4. Click on Add.
  5. Enter the user's Full Name.
  6. Enter the User Name.
  7. Enter the password for the user in both password fields.
  8. Enter the Maximum Allowed Disk Space.
  9. If this user is to be a site administrator, check the box next to Site Administrator.
  10. If you are using the BlueOnyx control panel to manage DNS and you wish for this user to manage DNS settings, check the box next to DNS Administrator.
  11. Enter any email aliases for this user.
  12. Add any remarks for this user.
  13. Click on the Save button to save the user information.
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