How can I add a new mailbox?

To add a new mailbox follow these steps:

  1. Go to your control panel at and login.
  2. Click on the System tab.
  3. In the Mail Management section click on Mailboxes.
  4. Click on the Add Mailbox button.
  5. Enter the mail user name. Select the proper domain from the drop-down menu or choose "(multiple domains)".
  6. Type in the mailbox password in both password fields.
  7. Click on the Finish button to save your changes

When creating email there are two different types of mailboxes: Linux user mailboxes and Virtual User mailboxes. A Linux user mailbox is in the format username@(multiple domains). Email can be sent to this user using any domain on the system. The username in the mail client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Open WebMail, etc) will be 'username'.

A virtual user mailbox is in the format The username in the mail client program will be the full email address,

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