If you have a web site or social media account, you can direct visitors to your affiliate link and earn commissions from referrals to our services. Full information on the new affiliate program is at https://www.advantagecom.net/affiliates . Also, we've just launched our new web site! After many months of development work, testing, fixing, and ... Read More »
As a client of Advantagecom, we value your feedback and will use it to improve our services. How are we doing? We'd like for you to review us on Google. It will only take a few minutes and will help us out greatly. Just go to this URL and follow the prompts: https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=ChIJCTaEvUkVolQRhz5JBRc2PwI Your ... Read More »
We've had a Twitter account since 2011, but we've only recently made use of it.
If you use Twitter, you can follow @advantagecomswh . We tweet interesting things every few days or so. It's news about Advantagecom, helpful tips, announcements, and interesting news about technology we use or recommend.
Announcements are located at http://forum.schmolie.com/index.php?showforum=19
Outages and maintenance information is located at http://forum.schmolie.com/index.php?showforum=26
The Knowledgebase is located at http://kb.simplywebhosting.com/
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